
【家族辦公室: 洞察未來】彭博網上研討會 Family Office: Insights Into the Future

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隨時代推進,家族辦公室更重視環境、社會和管治(ESG)。據瑞銀調查, ESG的資產配置於2025 年有望增加一倍, 不少企業將ESG躍為主流投資策略。家族辦公室是如何發掘 ESG 投資機會, 並找出高潛力的公司?

另一方面, 亞太地區有 35% 的家族辦公室計劃在來年增加對加密貨幣的資產配置。與主流市場資產價格相比,加密貨幣價格的波動呈現更快、更極端的調整。新能源以及非傳統的另類投資,如NFT,對家族辦公室的發展會帶來怎樣的機遇和挑戰?

藉著慶祝 Bloomberg Family Office Community 成立一週年,我們誠意邀請您參與 【家族辦公室: 洞察未來】網上研討會,深入了解香港家族辦公室在 ESG、數字藝術和資產方面的未來趨勢!研討會嘉賓包括:投資推廣署香港家族辦公室、Park Capital Group、美亞娱樂、佳士得 (Christie's) 拍賣行、Digital Art Fair Asia、Animoca Brands、HKbitEX數字藝術和資產交易平台創辦人及高級行政人員等。歡迎報名參加,與我們一起探討香港家族辦公室的未來發展趨勢。


Family offices are beginning to pay more attention to environmental, social and governance (ESG). According to a UBS survey, ESG asset allocation is expected to double by 2025 as more companies make ESG a mainstream investment strategy. So how are family offices exploring ESG investment opportunities and identifying high-potential companies?

On the other hand, 35% of family offices in Asia Pacific plan to increase their allocation to digit assets in the coming years. As a newer asset class, crypto is widely considered to be volatile. What opportunities and challenges will new energy and non-traditional alternative investments such as NFTs bring to the development of family offices?

To celebrate the first anniversary of the Family Office Community, we invite you to join our webinar to gain insight into the future family-office trends of ESG, art and digital assets. Our speakers include founders and senior executives from HKSAR Government FamilyOfficeHK, Park Capital Group, Mei Ah Entertainment, Christie’s Auction House, Digital Art Fair Asia, Animoca Brands and HKbitEx.

This event will be conducted in Cantonese only. 


陳浩濂, 太平紳士 Joseph Chan, JP

Under Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury

The Government of Hong Kong SAR

陳浩濂擁有多年出任跨國銀行高級行政人員的經驗,包括曾為東方匯 理銀行環球市場部董事總經理,及渣打銀行金融市場部董事總經理。
在加入政府前,他曾服務多個專業及公共機構,包括香港財經分析師 學會副會長、香港證券及投資學會董事、金銀業貿易場顧問及香港總 商會理事,他亦曾出任中西區區議員。
陳浩濂持有美國密歇根大學經濟學(榮譽)及心理學學士學位,並擁 有特許財務分析師的資格。
Mr Chan was appointed the Under Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury on 16 August 2017.
Mr Chan has many years of senior executive experience in the banking industry. He was a Managing Director in the Global Markets Division of Credit Agricole Corporate & Investment Bank, and was a Managing Director in Financial Markets of Standard Chartered Bank.
Prior to joining the Government, Mr Chan held multiple roles in a number of public and professional bodies, including Vice President of the Hong Kong Society of Financial Analysts, Director of Hong Kong Securities & Investment Institute, Advisor of the Chinese Gold & Silver Exchange Society, as well as a General Committee member of the Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce. Mr Chan was also a member of the Central & Western District Council.
Mr Chan holds a Bachelor of Arts in Economics (Hon) and Psychology from the University of Michigan, USA. He is also a Chartered Financial Analyst.

羅穎怡 Wendy Law

Executive Director

Park Capital Group

Ms. Wendy Law is a qualified lawyer and an Executive Director of Park Capital Group. She is an influential business leader who has won the Outstanding Businesswoman Award and CEO of the Year Award. Her family is ranked no. 14 on the Forbes Hong Kong Rich List 2022 reporting a net worth of US$7 Billion. Wendy oversees the Group’s real estate and financial investments. She is a veteran in ESG investing, her passion in making the world a better place and her shrewd business acumen has led her to numerous successes in the ESG fronts. She is active in community services, she is a committee member of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and the Vice Chairman of Yan Chai Hospital.

黃恒德 Dixon Wong

Head of Financial Services and Global Head of Family Office

Invest Hong Kong

黃先生于2019年3月獲委任為投資推廣署財經金融行業主管,並于2021年4月起兼任家族辦公室環球主管。該署是香港特別行政區政府屬下部門,其財經金融行業及家族辦公室團隊專責為香港促進外來直接投資,致力協助海外及內地金融機構和家族辦公室在香港開設和拓展業務。   加入投資推廣署前,黃先生在一家跨國銀行的不同部門擔任高級職位逹20年。在此之前,黃先生曾在其中一家四大跨國會計師事務所的審計及諮詢部門任職。   黃先生分別于英國取得榮譽法學學士學位及工商管理學碩士學位。黃先生並擁有澳洲和紐西蘭資深特許會計師 (FCA),香港資深會計師 (FCPA),英國特許秘書及行政人員公會(FCIS/FCG)及香港特許秘書公會(FCS)資深會士資格。黃先生亦為香港貿發局金融服務諮詢委員會及亞洲金融論壇策劃委員會委員。 Mr Wong was appointed as the Head of Financial Services at Invest Hong Kong (“InvestHK”) in March 2019 and the Global Head of Family Office in April 2021. InvestHK is the government department and the Financial Services and Family Office teams at InvestHK are responsible for investment promotion and business facilitation, i.e. helping overseas and Mainland financial institutions and family offices to establish or expand their business presence in Hong Kong. Before joining InvestHK, Mr Wong held various senior positions in a number of different departments in an international bank for more than 20 years. Before that, he worked in the assurance and advisory department of a big four international accounting firm. Mr Wong has obtained a LLB (Hons) degree and a MBA degree from the United Kingdom. He is also a Fellow Chartered Accountant (FCA, Aust & NZ), Fellow Certified Public Accountant (FCPA, Hong Kong), Fellow Chartered Governance Professional (FCIS/FCG, UK) and Fellow Chartered Secretary (FCS, Hong Kong). Mr. Wong is also a member of HKTDC Financial Services Advisory Committee and Steering Committee member of Asian Financial Forum.

Ada Tsui

Associate Vice President, Head of Day Sale & Specialist, 20th & 21st Century Art Department

Christie's Asia Pacific

Based in Hong Kong, Ada Tsui is an Art Specialist and heads 2 day sales of 20th/21st Century Art. In the current role, she leads the 20th and 21st Century Art Day Sale in business-getting, market analysis, exhibition planning and cultivating relationships with collectors in the region. Ada received her Bachelor of Arts degree in Art History and Comparative Literature at The University of Hong Kong.

Gillian Howard

Founder & Fair Director

Digital Art Fair

Gillian is the founder and Fair Director of Digital Art Fair. Founded Digital Art Fair in 2020, with the vision to advance art and culture through the use of technology. Prior to founding Digital Art Fair, Gillian is accomplished in fine galleries and museum management. She has managed private museum collections and international galleries in Hong Kong and London and consulted art institutions and international organisations on activating art and culture. Having studied Global Art Business with the Sotheby's Institute of Art in London, with an extensive knowledge of digital art, she is now leading the Digital Art Fair team and curators on creating a brand new art experience combining art and technology such as NFT and blockchain, 3D mapping, VR and AR.

Evan Auyang

Group President

Animoca Brands

Mr Evan Auyang is the Group President of Animoca Brands, a Hong Kong-based multinational blockchain technology and investment company focused on developing the digital property rights ecosystem, including play-to-earn games, non-fungible tokens (NFTs), decentralized finance (DeFi), blockchain marketplaces, infrastructure and more. Mr Auyang is the Chairman of the Board of Civic Exchange. He serves as an Independent Non-Executive Director on three boards: the Urban Renewal Authority, Sun Hung Kai & Co. Ltd., and Asia Financial Holdings Limited. He is an Advisor for Our Hong Kong Foundation, and serves on the Innovation and Technology Advisory Committee of the Hong Kong Trade Development Council, the Transport Policy Committee of the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport, the Development Fund Committee of the Hong Kong Council of Social Service, the Advisory Council for Institute at Brown for Environment and Society for Brown University, as well as the Board of Advisors of Hong Kong 2050 is Now. In addition, Mr. Auyang is a lecturer at the Hong Kong Academy of Politics and Public Policy.

James Li



James Li is the CEO of Beampluslab who has over 6 years’ experience in entertainment industry especially in IP licensing and concert management. As the second-generation of Hong Kong movie industry, he believes the bloom of creator economy is a big opportunity for all creators. He started the company in Jan 2022 to develop a Web 3 content platform for creators and their community to explore new experience in art and culture.

盧廷匡 Ken Lo

Co-founder & Chief Strategy Officer


盧廷匡先生是HKbitEX聯合創始人與首席策略官。HKbitEX(目前估值是3億美金)總部設立在香港,建立一個以虛擬資產交易平台(正與香港證監會申請)為核心,針對專業投資者服務的虛擬資產生態圈。 他之前是眾安國際(眾安保險的子公司,6060)的企業戰略發展負責人,也是首批籌備組組員。眾安國際是香港唯一一家金融機構同時獲得虛擬銀行與虛擬保險牌照。 盧先生在銀行、諮詢及金融科技領域有豐富經驗,尤其在數位化轉型及金融科技戰略領域。他曾在滙豐,麥肯錫,安永諮詢擔任要職。 他積極參與香港的社區事務,包括擔任香港中文大學金融科技碩士課程的兼職助理教授、香港科技大學與香港大學的客席講師。他是香港有限合夥基金協會常務理事兼金融科技委員會召集人,以及香港青年金融科技協會副主席。同時,他也是數碼港初創企業培育計劃、香港科技大學工商管理學士與香港大學工商管理碩士的導師。 盧先生畢業於香港科技大學工商管理學位,並在香港科技大學取得金融財務學碩士學位。 Ken Lo is the Co-founder & Chief Strategy Officer of HKbitEX. HKbitEX, headquartered in Hong Kong, builds a digital asset exchange serving professional investors with a virtual asset trading platform license (in application with HK Securities & Futures Commission) as the core, currently valued at USD 300m. Prior to joining HKbitEX, Ken was one of the early founding members of ZA International (subsidiary to Zhong An Insurance, 6060.HK) where he held the position of Head of Strategic Partnerships. ZA International recently obtained Virtual Banking and Virtual Insurance licenses – the only financial institution achieved such hallmark in Hong Kong. Ken has diverse experience within the financial industry with expertise in digital transformation and Fintech strategies towards banking, insurance and consulting spaces, including working at HSBC, McKinsey, Ernst and Young Advisory. Ken is an active participant in the Fintech community, and currently serving as an adjunct assistant professor for the Master of Fintech Programme at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, and a guest lecturer at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and the University of Hong Kong. He is the Executive Council Representative of Hong Kong LPF Association & Convener of the Fintech Committee and Vice Chairman of Hong Kong Youth FinTech Association. He also serves as a mentor for the Cyberport Start-up Incubation Programme, HKUST BBA programme and HKU MBA programme. He graduated at HKUST Bachelor of Business Administration and obtained a Master of Finance (Investment Management) at HKUST.

becky ho

Senior Relationship Manager, Hedge Funds and Family Offices Hong Kong


何碧琪 (Becky) 女士是彭博公司的高級客戶經理。 Becky任職彭博超過20年, 早於2000 年前已負責開拓中國市場業務,曾任職彭博亞太地區銷售團隊,管理跨國金融機構和上市公司企業客戶,並加入彭博數據部門管理大中華區交易所業務發展。 Becky通過帶領各部門專家為客戶提供最佳金融實時數據、領先的新聞信息、研究和分析服務而積累了豐富的彭博專業服務銷售經驗,深得家族辦公室客戶信任,並建立了家族辦公室社群 (Family Office Community),專門為家族辦公室安排合適的彭博服務,讓客戶可透過彭博專業服務平台,掌握全球及亞洲接踵而來的投資機會。 Becky 擁有澳洲悉尼大學學士學位及澳洲新南威爾士大學碩士學位。

連朗希 Christy Lin

Account Manager, Hedge Funds and Family Offices Hong Kong

Bloomberg L.P.

Christy is an Account Manager in Bloomberg L.P focusing on delivering cutting-edge solutions to Bloomberg's hedge fund and family office clients in Asia. She started her career in J.P.Morgan prior to joining Bloomberg, hence has strong expertise in banking, investment and relationship management.

Brian Lui

Account Manager


Brian is an account manager with BloombergNEF, leading client relations and business development for the Greater China Region. Before joining BNEF, he worked in an international oil&gas company and looked after clients across various sectors including government, conglomerate & industrial. Brian holds a Bachelor of Business Administration degree at the Chinese University of Hong Kong.

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