
Colombia Capital Markets Forum 2022

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Join Bloomberg at the Colombia Capital Markets Forum 2022 for a high-level discussion on the country’s economic outlook and developments in climate finance.

The forum will feature a keynote address by José Manuel Restrepo, Minister of Finance of Colombia, as well as panel discussions with leading business figures on the opportunities and challenges facing the Colombian economy.

The forum will also have the special participation of Mike Bloomberg, founder of Bloomberg LP.

Please note the event will be conducted in Spanish.


  • 9am - Opening Remarks | Opening virtual address
    By Michael R. Bloomberg, Founder of Bloomberg L.P. and Bloomberg Philanthropies.
  • 9:10am – 09:45am  | Keynote Minister Restrepo
    With fireside chat moderated by Andrea Jaramillo, Bloomberg News Bogota Bureau Chief.
  • 09:45am – 10:30am  | Panel Discussion: Mobilizing climate finance in Colombia
    With Juan Carlos Mora, CEO at Bancolombia and Mario Pardo Bayona, CEO at BBVA in Colombia. Moderated by Andrea Jaramillo, Bloomberg News Bogota Bureau Chief.
  • 10:30am-11:15am | Panel Discussion: The economic outlook for Colombia
    With Juana Tellez, Chief Economist for Colombia at BBVA Research; Juan Pablo Espinosa Arango, Director of Economic, Sector and Market Research at Bancolombia and Theodore Kahn, Senior Analyst for the Andean region at Control Risks. Moderated by Oscar Medina, Bloomberg News Bogota.


Michael Bloomberg

Founder of Bloomberg L.P. and Bloomberg Philanthropies

UN Special Envoy for Climate Ambition an

UN Secretary-General’s Special Envoy for Climate Ambition and Solutions; Chair, Taskforce on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures, Founder of Bloomberg L.P. and Bloomberg Philanthropies

Mike Bloomberg is an entrepreneur and three-term mayor of New York City whose innovations in business, government, and philanthropy have made him a pioneering leader on critical issues facing America and the world. He has launched major coalitions to save and improve lives, including America’s largest campaigns to prevent gun violence and fight the climate crisis, and he has championed efforts to fix our immigration system. Elected mayor just weeks after the attacks of September 11, 2001, Bloomberg led New York City’s resurgence. He spearheaded the rebuilding of Lower Manhattan, fought poverty with new programs that became national models, and turned around a failing school system. Bloomberg reduced carbon emissions by 13 percent, increased New Yorkers’ life expectancy by three years, and cut crime by a third while reducing incarceration by nearly 40 percent. Despite the national recession, he led the city to record job growth.

As mayor, Bloomberg launched a pandemic influenza plan for New York City, and led the city through outbreaks of the swine flu and West Nile virus. An international leader on public health issues, Bloomberg recently launched a series of efforts to help fight the coronavirus pandemic through his foundation, Bloomberg Philanthropies. He’s supporting a fund for New York City-based non-profits impacted by the crisis, convening mayors to share information and strategies, committing $40 million to help low- and middle-income countries slow and prevent the spread of the disease, and more.

After his third term in City Hall, he resumed leadership of Bloomberg LP, the financial technology and media company he founded in 1981. Bloomberg LP now employs some 20,000 people. Bloomberg Philanthropies applies a unique, data-driven approach to drive progress in five focus areas – public health, government innovation, education, the environment, and the arts. He has given away $9.5 billion.

Bloomberg grew up in a middle-class home in Medford, Massachusetts. He took out government loans and worked his way through school, graduating from Johns Hopkins University and Harvard Business School. He is the father of two daughters, Emma and Georgina, and has two grandchildren.

Jose Manuel Restrepo Abondano

Minister Of Finance And Public Credit


Economist and Finance Specialist from the Universidad del Rosario, with a Master in Economics from the 'London School of Economics' (LSE), Senior Management from INALDE and a Doctor in Management of Higher Education Institutions from Bath University.

He was the former Minister of Trade, Industry and Tourism. As well he served as rector of the Universidad del Rosario and, also, for the Colegio de Estudios Superiores de Administración (CESA). Before, he held the rectory of the Business Foundation of the Bogota Chamber of Commerce.

In addition, he was Manager of Financial Planning and Budget at Fonade. He belonged to the Institutional Chamber of the National Council for Quality Assurance in Higher Education of the Ministry of National Education. He has also served as a business consultant and as an adviser on quality issues and accreditation of higher education institutions.

He was a professor of macroeconomics, microeconomics, economics introduction and planning and management control in the faculties of Economics, Jurisprudence, Business Administration and in the postgraduate course in Finance at the Universidad del Rosario He is the author of a significant number of writings including books, meritorious dissertations, research drafts and academic articles published nationally and internationally.

On the other hand, he has been a columnist for the newspapers El Nuevo Siglo, La República and El Espectador.

Juan Carlos Mora



Juan Carlos Mora is the Chief Executive Officer of Bancolombia, financial group that counts with 30 thousand employees in charge of promoting sustainable economic development to achieve wellbeing for all. With more than 20 million clients in Colombia, Panamá, El Salvador, and Guatemala.  

Awarded a Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) Undergraduate degree from Universidad Eafit, Colombia, and a Master in Business Administration (MBA) Diploma from Babson College, United States.  

He started his career in areas of Corporate Finance and Investment Banking, then occupied senior positions in diverse areas such as, Chief Risk Officer, Chief IT Officer, Chief Operating Officer in 2011, and Corporate Vice President of Innovation and Digital Transformation until 2016 when he was appointed as the CEO of Bancolombia.  

During his more than 30 years of career in Grupo Bancolombia. Juan Carlos has built a leadership pathway across all areas of the organization. Occupying a role as agent driving for transformation, intra entrepreneurship and sustainability processes.  

Under his responsibility he coordinated Bancolombia’s listing in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index, which has been a constant since 2011 and has allowed the Bank to be recognized as one of the most sustainable banks in the world.  

Additionally, and based on a strong conviction of the pivotal role that banking has in our society, he has accompanied the transformation of Bancolombia’s Foundation to act as connector between rural communities and business opportunities.

Mario Pardo Bayona


BBVA in Colombia

With a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from ICADE. Mario Pardo joined BBVA in 2008 after working nine years for Goldman Sachs in London and Paris.

At his arrival at BBVA, he worked in M&A within CIB, first for Spain, and later as a global manager, before taking on the role of Head of Strategy & Transformation for CIB.

In 2017, he assumed the role of Global Head of Enterprise Clients within the corporate team of Client Solutions, a position from which he led the business development of investment banking, corporate, companies and SMEs, including strategy, models, solutions, and channels for said clients in the different banks that belong to the Group.

In February 2020, he assumed the role of CEO of BBVA in Colombia.

Juan Pablo Espinosa Arango

Director of Economic, Sector and Market Research


Juan Pablo Espinosa Arango has led the area in charge of generating economic, sectoral and market research for Grupo Bancolombia and its clients since 2012. The team he is in charge of is the most awarded in the history of the awards for the best areas of economic research in Colombia, granted by the Colombian Stock Exchange (Bolsa de Valores de Colombia, Portafolio y Fedesarrollo).

Juan Pablo has a master's degree in financial economics from the University of Oxford, and undergraduate studies in finance and international relations from the Externado University.

He has a professional experience of more than 20 years. He has been linked to Grupo Bancolombia since 2003, where before his current position he was responsible for formulating investment strategies and performing risk management in the Asset Management area. He also worked in the Ministry of Finance and was a consultant to the World Bank.

In 2021 Juan Pablo was appointed president of the Committee of Economists of the Banking Association. In addition, he is a professor at the universities of Externado and La Sabana, where he is in charge of postgraduate courses in finance and economics.

Juana Tellez

Chief Economist for Colombia

BBVA Research

Juana Téllez is Economist from the Universidad Javeriana in Bogotá with a Master's degree and a PhD in Economics from Queen Mary, University of London. She is the Chief Economist of BBVA Group in Colombia and is in charge of the BBVA Research team dedicated to the economic, financial and regulatory analysis of Colombia.

During her professional career she has been dedicated to study issues related to the financial sector, monetary policy, real estate, labor market, education and financial regulation, among others, and, in general, to macroeconomic, microeconomic and public policy issues that allow analyzing the current performance and growth prospects of countries. Recently she has been studying economic performance and public policy with a gender perspective.

Juana has been a lecturer and researcher at Universidad Javeriana and held several positions at Banco de la República, Colombia's central bank, in the areas of Financial Sector, Macroeconomic Programming and Economic Research. She regularly writes opinion articles for the media and articles in specialized books on economic issues.

Theodore Kahn

Senior Analyst for the Andean region

Control Risks

Theodore Kahn is Senior Analyst for the Andean region in Control Risks’ Global Risk Analysis practice, where he advises clients on political, regulatory, and economic developments in Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana, and Suriname.

He is an expert in Colombian and Latin American politics and public policy with over ten years of experience in the private sector, multilateral organizations, and academia.

Before joining Control Risks, he was a researcher at Fedesarrollo, where his work focused on international trade, competitiveness, fiscal policy, and anti-corruption, and he has worked as a consultant for the Inter-American Development Bank and World Bank.

Theodore holds a Master’s degree and PhD in International Relations from the School of Advanced International Studies of Johns Hopkins University.

Andrea Jaramillo

Colombia Bureau Chief

Bloomberg News

Colombia bureau chief for Bloomberg News since 2019 and previous to that led Bloomberg's Spanish-language news team for Latin America. Economist from Universidad de los Andes in Bogota. Master in environmental economics and natural resources, joint program Universidad de los Andes - University of Maryland.

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