
G-20 Zero-Carbon Policy Scoreboard

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Governments in nations responsible for 90% of global greenhouse-gas emissions now have net-zero emission targets in force or under discussion. But few have sufficient policy supports to drive the changes to meet these goals. Which of the major economies come closest? Which have made most progress in the last year, and which have slipped? And which offer the most opportunities for your company?

Join us to discuss the 2022 issue of BloombergNEF’s G-20 Zero-Carbon Policy Scoreboard. This report assesses the G-20 countries based on over 100 metrics covering what incentives and regulations have been implemented to spur decarbonization – and their effectiveness. We examine the needs and challenges across the economy, including power, clean hydrogen and CCUS, transport, buildings, industry and circular economy.



Head of Global Policy


Victoria is Head of Global Policy at BloombergNEF – Bloomberg’s primary research service covering clean energy, advanced transport, digital industry and innovative materials. Having joined the company in 2009, Victoria has written reports on a wide range of topics, including government responses to declining fuel tax revenue, risk-mitigation mechanisms for renewables projects, carbon markets, local content requirements, small modular reactors, heat decarbonization, electricity market design and the ‘missing money problem’, and the implications of Brexit. Before BNEF, Victoria spent seven years as an editor working with the European Commission and Parliament in Brussels; and for an economics consultancy in Oxford. She holds two Master’s degrees from the University of Cambridge, and another Master’s from the University of Durham. Victoria leads analysis of cross-regional and cross-sectoral trends in policy and regulation around the climate transition, including COP26. Having joined the company in 2009, she has written reports on a wide range of topics, including impact of electrification of industry, buildings and transport, government responses to declining fuel tax revenue, carbon markets, local content requirements, small modular reactors, heat decarbonization and the implications of Brexit. Before BNEF, Victoria spent seven years as an editor working with the European Commission and Parliament in Brussels; and for an economics consultancy in Oxford. She holds two Master’s degrees from the University of Cambridge, and another Master’s from the University of Durham.

Ali Izadi-Najafabadi

Head of APAC Research


Based in Seoul, Ali Izadi manages BloombergNEF's research teams across Asia Pacific, focusing on the transition of the region's economies to a cleaner more competitive future. The teams’ reports and tools help clients identify opportunities and risks associated with this transition. Prior to his current role, Ali managed BloombergNEF’s Intelligent Mobility team as well as Japan and Korea Research team.

Prior to joining BloombergNEF in 2010, Ali had worked at Japan’s National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, as well as fuel cell manufacturer, Ballard Power Systems.

Ali has an undergraduate degree in Engineering Physics and a Masters in Electrical Engineering from the University of British Columbia, and a Doctorate in Materials Science from Meijo University.


Head of Americas


Ethan Zindler oversees BNEF research analysts in New York, Washington, Sao Paulo and London tracking market and policy developments related to the world’s transition to lower-carbon sources of energy. He directs production of Climatescope, a project to profile clean energy investment conditions in emerging markets previously supported by the Inter-American Development Bank, the UK Department for International Development, and USAID. Based in Washington, Mr. Zindler serves as BNEF’s primary liaison to US policymakers and has testified numerous times before Congress and other legislative bodies. He is a Senior Associate (Non-Resident) at the Center for Strategic & International Studies Energy Security and Climate Change Program. Mr. Zindler holds an MBA from Columbia Business School and a BA from Georgetown University.

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