
Gas Market Update and Short-Term Forecast

Global gas demand increased significantly in the first half of 2024, primarily driven by industrial consumption in Asia. Despite this, the market remains volatile due to low liquefied natural gas production and geopolitical tensions inflating prices. Overall Gas demand is projected to rise by 2.5% for the full year, but with persistent supply risks amid ongoing geopolitical instability there is a need for close monitoring. - BNEF tools for tracking gas balances - Data sets and tools for tracking market developments


Douglas Crawford

EMEA Commodities Market Specialist


Douglas Crawford is a Commodities Market Specialist at Bloomberg, covering the EMEA region. He has over 20 years of experience within financial markets. His career started at Marex Spectron where he traded oil and oil product futures and options. He later became commodities asset class head for one of S&P Global’s flagship valuation products.


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