
Global Gas and LNG Winter Outlook 2024/2025

Benchmark gas and LNG prices continue to be sensitive to unplanned supply risks, geopolitical tensions and weather uncertainty despite weak demand fundamentals. 

Europe is again expected to start winter with full inventories, bracing for additional reduction in Russian supplies from 2025 start. China's winter LNG demand growth is likely to be less than last year. New supply coming online this winter could provide some relief to prices but uncertainties remain around possible start-up delays and ramp-up periods.

Join us for an up-to-date view on the outlook for gas and LNG market dynamics this winter.

Discussion points:
●      Global LNG balances
●      Europe’s gas demand, supply and storage levels
●      North Asia
●      LNG supply outlook
●      LNG trade and price risks


Douglas Crawford

EMEA Commodities Market Specialist


Douglas Crawford is a Commodities Market Specialist at Bloomberg, covering the EMEA region. He has over 20 years of experience within financial markets. His career started at Marex Spectron where he traded oil and oil product futures and options. He later became commodities asset class head for one of S&P Global’s flagship valuation products.

Omolade Fasusi

Gas Analyst, US Gas


Omolade Fasusi, is an analyst in BloombergNEF’s Gas, Power and Carbon team focused on North American natural gas markets. She obtained a Bachelor of Science degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of Rochester.

Iryna Sereda

Head of European Gas


Iryna Sereda leads BloombergNEF’s European gas markets analysis that covers supply-demand fundamentals and quantitative modelling. Over the years of her career Iryna was a gas market specialist at companies including Energy Exemplar (Plexos), Refinitiv (LSEG), Roland Berger, Naftogaz. She holds an MSc in Oil and Gas Enterprise Management from the University of Aberdeen.

Lujia Cao

Senior Associate, Global LNG supply


Lujia Cao, is an LNG Supply Senior Associate with BloombergNEF based in Beijing. She covers LNG supply fundamentals research and analysis, including upstream gas and liquefaction economic analysis and production outlooks for the global LNG market. She has experience in Global LNG trade dynamics analysis, as well as China’s energy policy and corporate strategy consulting. Lujia holds a master’s degree in Energy Science, Technology & Policy from School of Engineering at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, and a B.E. in Industrial Engineering from Nanjing University.


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