
Revolutionizing Fixed Income Trading with IBVAL Front Office

In the era of electronic trading, portfolio trading, ETFs, and algorithmic trading, the demand for reliable real-time fixed income pricing has surged. Navigating intraday pricing in fixed income markets is intricate due to fragmented information, escalating volume and velocity, requiring investors to synthesize data from diverse sources. IBVAL Front Office alleviates the burden on trading desks by eliminating the need to build and maintain complex pricing models or it can be leveraged as an additional data layer to enhance existing pricing frameworks. Its proprietary machine learning model adeptly processes billions of market data ticks, offering frequent and credible pricing for informed real-time pricing trading decisions.

Please join us in this webinar where we will discuss the latest trends in the fixed income market and how our solution addresses the needs of traders grappling with the challenges behind deriving consensus real-time fixed income pricing. 

Discussion Topics:
- Automation in Fixed Income Markets
- Intro to IBVAL Front Office
- IBVAL vs Other Bloomberg Pricing Sources
- Front Office Use Cases
- The Future of IBVAL and Pricing


Rob Simek

Head of Business - Real-Time Pricing


David Krein

Head of Pricing Research - CTO Office


Maggie White

Pricing, Liquidity & Credit Risk Sales Specialist


Maggie is a Pricing, Liquidity & Credit Risk Sales Specialist on Bloomberg's Enterprise Data team. She has been heavily involved in the team's strategic initiatives since she joined a year ago, including the beta testing and launch of IBVAL. Prior to joining Bloomberg, Maggie was a founding member and Head of Relationship Management and Client Services at LTX, A Broadridge Company. She helped launch LTX's electronic trading platform which leverages AI to connect counterparties in the corporate bond market. Maggie has previous experience as VP of Credit Sales at Tradeweb, where she also assisted with the launch of their credit trading platform.


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