
Supply in Rates Markets – New Bloomberg Tools to Evaluate Government Bond and SSA Issuance

With issuance growing and increasingly under scrutiny in many Rate markets globally, join us to walk through the latest Bloomberg tools to evaluate supply. 

We will look at tracking government bond auction schedules, assessing auction results and our expanded range of data points in this space. We will also cover SSA issuance to give a complete picture of Rates primary markets and discuss the below topics:

  • Our new government bond auction monitor and the key new data points within it 
  • Other resources to monitor government supply and where to find them (ECAN, DEBT etc) 
  • Monitoring government and SSA syndications via PREL
  • Real-time data feed for government auctions and the roadmap ahead to further expand the offering 


Oliver Carter

Rates Market Specialist


Oliver is a Rates Market Specialist at Bloomberg, working with clients on the challenges they face and how they could use Bloomberg technology and data to solve them. Prior to joining in December 2022, Oliver spent 14 years in the rates business with J.P. Morgan and brings that sales-trading experience to Bloomberg clients in his current role. He acts as a subject matter expert across interest rate markets, influencing the direction of Bloomberg product in collaboration with our clients.


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