Prepare for the APAC OTC Derivatives Rewrite
Join our webinar to examine the upcoming changes and take control of your trade reporting. We'll review a brief history, current challenges and how Bloomberg Assurance can help meet your G20 regulatory reporting requirements.
Discussion topics:
- How to enhance data quality
- Preparing for APAC rewrites
- Completeness, accuracy & timeliness in regulatory reporting
- Bloomberg Assurance demonstration
エイミー クワン
APAC ポストトレード テクノロジー責任者
エイミーは、ブルームバーグ LP の APAC ポストトレード テクノロジーの責任者であり、アジア太平洋地域の顧客向けの金融データ コンプライアンスと規制レポート ソリューションを監督しています。彼女は、クライアントが自動化を導入し、取引ワークフロー プロセスを合理化できるように、進化し続ける金融テクノロジーの計画、特定、実装を担当し、ミドル オフィスおよびバック オフィス コミュニティに取引後の接続性と効率性をもたらします。
Liebien Botha
Head of Assurance Product Management
Liebien has over 15 years experience in finance, spending that time at various buyside firms, most recently PIMCO and ColumbiaThreadneedle. In his previous experience at ColumbiaThreadneedle, Liebien lead a Global Regulatory Reporting team where he was responsible for the firms regulatory reporting and control framework covering 42 regulatory regimes. Liebien leads the Assurance Product at Bloomberg.
Yuko Madono
Regulatory Reporting Services Specialist, Japan & Singapore
Yuko Madono is a Specialist in Regulatory Reporting Services. Yuko has extensive experience collaborating with a diverse range of clients including both sellside and buyside communities, central banks, exchanges and regulators. Yuko started her career in Bloomberg over 10 years ago as a relationship manager in Japan prior to relocating to Singapore. Yuko holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Communication Studies at the University of San Francisco.