ProductsBloomberg TerminalAccessBloomberg Professional App

Bloomberg Professional App

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ProductsBloomberg TerminalAccessBloomberg Professional App

Bloomberg Professional App

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Answers in the palm of your hand

Get real-time access to worksheets, market data and analyst recommendations, as well as EVTS, BloombergNEF and more on mobile.

Be ready for the unexpected

Get alerts on news that impacts financial markets – from economic disruptions and geo-political issues to climate events. Search 200 million company documents with precision using Bloomberg’s AI-powered research platform.

Keep the conversation going

Opportunity doesn’t log off. Instant Bloomberg (IB) and Message (MSG) on mobile lets you keep the exchange of ideas, research and pricing flowing – all with the same compliant communication capture as on the Bloomberg Terminal.

News and Research

Because news waits for no one, the Today feature presents you with a convenient at-a-glance of what’s happening in markets and around the world, curated by a global team of journalists.

  1. Read breaking & overnight news
  2. News you “Need to Know”
  3. Dig deeper with AI-powered Document Search

Instant Bloomberg (IB)

IB chat is at the center of the Bloomberg Terminal experience. Access it right in the app and never miss out on important conversations, even when you’re away from your desktop.

  1. Quickly find any chat or star a new one
  2. Stay on top of Persistent Chats anywhere
  3. Customize your chat notifications


Reliable and uninterrupted access to data is essential. Access timely information on markets, portfolios and securities.

  1. Get a fast read of markets across asset classes
  2. See analyst recommendations, estimates, ownership and more.
  3. See summaries of developed & emerging markets


Every worksheet that you create on the Terminal is accessible in the app, giving you increased flexibility and efficiency. Monitor your portfolio and securities that matter to you.

  1. Access all your worksheets away from the Terminal
  2. Monitor changes to securities in your watch lists in real time
  3. View news, events, research and charts on your security list