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UK Benchmark Regulation
The UK Benchmark Regulation established a framework for the provision of regulated benchmarks in the UK, including requirements on appropriate governance and oversight of regulated benchmarks, robust benchmark methodologies, input data reliability and conflicts of interest management.
On 16 October 2019, Bloomberg Index Services Limited (BISL) was granted authorisation by the UK’s Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) to provide benchmark administration services in the UK (and, at the time, the EU).
BISL is listed on the UK Financial Service Register and the FCA Benchmarks Register.
EU Benchmark Regulation
As a UK-established entity, as of 1 January 2021, BISL is a third-country benchmark administrator for purposes of the EU Benchmark Regulation (EU BMR).
The EU BMR contains a transition period for third-country administrators for the continued provision of benchmarks into the EU until December 31, 2025. BISL currently uses this transition period and continues to provide its benchmarks into the EU for use by EU-located persons.
Control Framework
Please contact to request access to BISL’s control framework.
Complaints Resolution
To request a copy of Bloomberg’s complaints policy or to submit a complaint regarding a Bloomberg index or index determination, please send correspondence to or to the following postal address:
Bloomberg Index Services Limited c/o Bloomberg L.P.,
3 Queen Victoria Street,
London EC4N 4TQ, United Kingdom
Attn: Index Compliance
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