ProductsIndicesBloomberg Thematic Indices

Bloomberg Thematic Indices

Track emerging structural trends with rules-based benchmarks

Research from world-class analysts

Our data-driven approach incorporates proprietary research delivered by expert analyst teams from Bloomberg Intelligence (BI) and BloombergNEF (BNEF).

Comprehensive data

Research is coupled with Bloomberg’s data library to form baskets which serve as the basis for index selection.

Structured framework

Indices provide direct economic exposure to the underlying theme in a replicable and transparent manner.

Broad range of themes

Indices track electric vehicles, digital payments, renewable energy and more.



of active ETFs have underperformed comparable Bloomberg Thematic Benchmark Indices over the trailing 3-year period.*


research analysts backed by data from 500+ third- party data contributors.


industries and 11 major sectors covered.

*Bloomberg analysis of Thematic ETFs, as of 9/25/2024. Only those funds providing comparable exposure to a Bloomberg Thematic Benchmark Index were included in analysis.

Bloomberg Thematic Indices

Capturing megatrends that have the potential to transform structures underpinning the way we live, work and communicate.

Artificial Intelligence

The Bloomberg Artificial Intelligence Index tracks the performance of companies that develop, facilitate or use solutions such as deep learning, machine learning, natural language processing, and image and speech recognition utilizing research from Bloomberg Intelligence (BI).


The Bloomberg FAANG 2.0 Index is constructed to track the performance of companies that are engaged in national and natural resource security. Companies must have their primary business activities involved in Fuel (F), Aerospace & Defense (A), Agriculture (A), Nuclear and Renewable Energy (N), and Gold and Other Base & Precious Metals (G).

Nuclear Energy

The Bloomberg Nuclear Aggregate Index is meant to capture performance of companies involved in the nuclear energy industry and aiding in the generation of this reliable, low emissions power source.


The Bloomberg U.S. Listed Semiconductors Index is meant to capture the performance of U.S. listed companies serving the growing demand for digitalization. To be included, members must expect to generate a meaningful portion of revenue from manufacturing or serve high growth markets, as determined by Bloomberg Intelligence (BI).

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Cross-asset coverage

Bloomberg’s index team delivers high-quality benchmarks across asset classes.