ProductsTradingPost-Trade ServicesTransaction Cost Analysis (BTCA)

Transaction Cost Analysis

Multi-asset class coverage

Prove best execution across fixed income, equities, foreign exchange, crypto, listed and OTC derivatives, using Bloomberg’s range of pricing data.

Data throughout the lifecycle

View TCA across the full lifecycle of the trade, from pre-trade through Bloomberg’s Electronic Trading solutions all the way to post-trade reporting.

Compliance tailored to your needs

Achieve robust and comprehensive trade surveillance utilizing the flexible rules engine that can be configured to identify and manage a wide variety of compliance scenarios.

Front office

Whether on the buy-side or sell-side, you can verify execution quality across an exhaustive list of benchmarks to evaluate your methods of execution from high-touch to more complex algorithmic trading. BTCA provides the flexibility to start from a high-level view of trading activity, drilling down into transactional data.

Best execution

Whether global firms are adopting Best Execution frameworks or supporting regulations such as MiFID II, FINRA 5310, among others, BTCA has you covered. BTCA assists in regulatory compliance or fiduciary responsibilities, to provide transparency to demonstrate efficiency in specific strategies.


Exception-based workflow provides fully automated surveillance of trading activity across asset classes. BTCA provides an operational framework to support the four critical steps of identification, investigation, determination, and analysis, delivering comprehensive market abuse, suspicious transaction and unusual behavior monitoring.

Data science

Analyze your TCA data in your own cloud environment via a variety of programming languages including Python through the Bloomberg API. Furthermore, your data is accessible through the Bloomberg Query Language (BQL) and integration into 3rd Party Business Intelligence tools like PowerBI.

Ease of integration

BTCA provides the common architecture for data ingestion whether you use Bloomberg’s electronic trading solutions or leveraging an alternative third-party execution management system (EMS) or an order management system (OMS).

Compare with peers

Comparing absolute performance with peers in the same trading scenario is essential. A large or difficult order is tough to trade and will likely incur slippage, but in doing so, how can you know if it under-or outperformed others in comparison? BTCA can assist.

Fixed Income & FX


Listed derivatives

OTC derivatives

Improving multi-asset execution outcomes using EMS automation

As economic developments of the past few years have placed efficiency challenges on asset managers, LOIM continued to look at ways in which it could use technological advances across its extensive multi-asset trading operations, driving efficiency and enhancing execution outcomes without incurring substantial additional costs.

Data Spotlight: Broader industry analysis & more

In this edition we focus on how investors can use Industry Specific data to run deep sector analysis in both discretionary and systematic ways. We also look at how supply chain data can help with understanding the impact of specific countries or regions on operational risk.

Enriching the fixed income ecosystem

Bloomberg’s Future of Fixed Income conference recently convened some of the world’s foremost financial innovators and fixed-income experts. The event focused on exploring the transformative changes that are reshaping this critical asset class.

European earnings at risk if tariff threats aren’t a paper tiger

With European equities up 5% since President Donald Trump’s election, the market may be underestimating the risk posed by US tariffs, which could hit Stoxx 600 earnings by 3-7%. Healthcare, industrials and consumer discretionary, which account for 55% of the index earnings growth this year, are the most exposed.


Bloomberg Trade Order Management Solutions (TOMS) provides fixed income sell-side firms the capabilities to efficiently manage inventory, risk, P&L, compliance and straight-through processing.


For buy-side firms, Bloomberg AIM delivers global, multi-asset solutions for portfolio management, trading, compliance and operations.


Bloomberg Trading Facility Limited’s multilateral trading facility, BMTF, is a robust trading platform for trading cash bonds, repos, credit default swaps (“CDS”), interest rate swaps (“IRS”), exchange-traded funds (“ETF”), equity derivatives and foreign exchange derivatives (“FX”).


Bloomberg’s Multi-Asset Risk System (MARS) uses consistent pricing and risk data to model every deal in your portfolio, giving you an accurate picture of hedging dynamics at the portfolio level and ensuring that you don’t underestimate or overestimate your risk.


Our global, cross-asset, multi-regulation solutions fulfill the needs of firms across all markets, including buy-side, sell-side and market infrastructure providers. Bloomberg’s Regulatory Reporting Services can be easily integrated into any firm’s workflows, via standard APIs or with Bloomberg’s own order management, execution and confirmation solutions.


Bloomberg Vault is an integrated compliance and surveillance solution designed to help global financial services firms meet their regulatory obligations and business standards.

Electronification is changing the trading landscape as we know it. Get tools that fit the way you trade.

Bloomberg Post-Trade Products

From reconciliation, collateral management, trade settlement and connectivity to custody, admin and accounting workflows, Bloomberg helps streamline complex processes, reduce risk and lower costs.


Regulatory Reporting

