Electronic Trading | Bloomberg Professional Services


Earnings season review with Bloomberg's real-time corporate earnings product

New earnings reports often elicit immediate reactions from the market.


Case Study

Building an e-trading solution for deposits

Bloomberg integrated its FXGO platform with BNPP AM’s third-party order management system, creating a solicited workflow for placing and booking deposit trades.

Electronic Trading

Case Study

Optimizing time-sensitive trading using automation

Bloomberg worked with the Guardians to create a tool that would fit its specific needs, which they beta tested for a few months in parallel to their existing methodology.

Electronic Trading


Dip-buying still alive in bond ETFs after drying up in stocks

Buying the dip has largely dried up for equity ETFs since 2022, but the strategy of investing in underperformers in hopes of a rebound appears to be re-emerging in fixed income.

Electronic Trading


ETF launches smash record as active migration accelerates

ETFs smashed their monthly launch record in September with 69 funds coming to market.

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Dip-buying still alive in bond ETFs after drying up in stocks

Buying the dip has largely dried up for equity ETFs since 2022, but the strategy of investing in underperformers in hopes of a rebound appears to be re-emerging in fixed income.

Electronic Trading


Execution cost improves in global credit as inflation worry ebbs

Execution costs of institutional investors' investment-grade and high-yield credits have improved, based on data from Bloomberg's Trade Cost Analysis (BTCA) group.

Electronic Trading


Bloomberg roadshow in London explores latest developments in Chinese financial markets

Bloomberg’s “The New Silk Road: Expanding Horizons” roadshow discussed the latest developments in the opening-up of China’s financial markets, as well as the most recent investment trends in China.



Canadian ETFs: Snapshot of a market that’s coming of age

While ETFs took longer to develop in Canada than south of the border, Canada can lay claim to having launched the first exchange-traded fund in 1990.



Supporting diversity and inclusion in trading

The DESK spoke with Derek Kleinbauer to learn how trading desks can support their clients’ governance goals around diversity, equity and inclusion.

Electronic Trading