Emerging Markets | Bloomberg Professional Services


EM region a handy barometer as oil, rates shape economic reality

A better understanding of emerging-market (EM) risks and opportunities can be gained by studying the major influences, all of which form the basis of this combined Bloomberg Intelligence/Bloomberg Economics analysis.

Emerging Markets


Qatari banks cast better returns, but risks dominate

Qatari banks' consensus 2023 earnings growth hovers at 6%, a cut from the estimated 14% in October last year.



Sovereign wealth fund joins push to unlock Ghana’s lithium

As more and more electric vehicles hit the road, every gram of lithium will count to produce the batteries that power them.


Evolution of alternative investment funds in India

Investing in India has witnessed a remarkable transformation over the years, offering individuals and institutions a diverse range of investment alternatives.



How mobile money is bringing electricity to the world’s poorest

Technology offers the prospect of doing to the electric grid what mobile phones did to landlines: leapfrogging legacy systems with a distributed network that offers people low-cost services that they can build on over time. 

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Three takeaways on the emerging market outlook

Some tailwinds have developed for emerging markets.

Emerging Markets


Assessing performance drivers in emerging markets local debt

Emerging market local-currency debt is off to its best start since 2019, as foreign creditors benefit from falling yields and a weaker dollar.

Emerging Markets

Market Analysis

Resurgent emerging market carry trade lifted by lower volatility

Emerging-market carry trades have been seeing elevated returns as of late due to lower volatility in the FX markets and favorable conditions against the U.S. dollar.



Bloomberg Intelligence asset allocation quarterly: It's bonds' year to drive

As equity markets flounder, bond returns may continue to benefit from a shift in focus to growth from inflation in 2023.

Sales and Trading


Doing, not just chatting, is the next stage of the AI hype cycle

 OpenAI’s ChatGPT is simple enough to use: You type in a request and get a response that may be helpful and sounds convincingly human. 
