Investor Relations Insights | Bloomberg Professional Services

Market Analysis

AI summary of JPMorgan transcript holds clues for wider earnings

What drove 2023’s record net income at JPMorgan Chase & Co., and what are the lessons for 2024’s broader market prospects?

Investor Relations


High CO2 ambition = More ESG fund inclusion, but also some risk

Companies in the top quartile of our BI Carbon scores are more likely to attract capital from ESG investors and benefit from further investment.



Using data to address gender bias

Amidst a global pandemic, continued demands for social change, and investment dollars flooding into ESG assets, there is a clear demand for transparency and progress surrounding social data and the change it can inspire.



What CFOs need to know about IR before an IPO

Preparing an IR strategy for going public requires much more than a focus on past performance.

Investor Relations


Systematic gender equality portfolios: Score construction

While no singular score will reflect every investor’s gender equality end goals or fully capture the issues restricting gender equality, we highlight how blending qualitative and quantitative analysis offers meaningful paths for investors to consider.

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Transparency, accountability, progress: Quantifying the S in ESG

Investors are continuing to seek out transparency and solutions, now with more insistence and organization.



The need for increased gender-related data transparency and disclosure

Fostering an inclusive environment can help companies enable long-term success in retaining a talented workforce and gain a competitive advantage.



Systematic gender equality portfolios: Introduction and data exploration

How can investors, constrained by a broad-based benchmark, create a portfolio that is expressive of gender-equality goals, and what do the resulting portfolios look like?



IWD 365: Talking about gender equality for one day a year is not enough

More than just the right thing to do, gender equality makes business sense.



Insights on investing in a post-pandemic world

Asset owners are in a position to steady the economy and strengthen the recovery through their investments.

Market Risk