Corporations | Bloomberg Professional Services


Generative AI races toward $1.3 trillion in revenue by 2032

Generative AI is poised to be a $1.3 trillion market by 2032 as it boosts sales for the tech industry's hardware, software, services, ads and gaming segments.



Need to Know: Advances in Alzheimer's treatment

This episode of Need to Know explores advances in Alzheimer's treatment and how they could transform the market.


Market Analysis

AI summary of JPMorgan transcript holds clues for wider earnings

What drove 2023’s record net income at JPMorgan Chase & Co., and what are the lessons for 2024’s broader market prospects?

Investor Relations


Global Autos 2024 industry outlook: Profit paths to diverge

The global auto industry faces slower profit growth as the Covid-induced vehicle shortage, which gave US and EU automakers significant pricing power, is set to reverse.



Equity indices: Benefits of an automated, rules-based approach

The B500 is Bloomberg’s US Large Cap Price Return Index that contains the 500 most highly capitalized US companies weighted by float market cap.

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Investing in carbon markets: Cleared for take-off

2023 has been a landmark year for the planet, giving us a glimpse of the future that awaits us if global warming continues unchecked.

Sustainable Finance


Weight-loss drugs could soon tip the scales in Asia

In five charts, we look at the potential for weight-loss drugs in Asia, and the implications for Innovent.



5 ways to boost your hedging program with treasury automation

Developing processes and systems, and leaning on automated features within your hedging program, will improve results and showcase value at the Treasury level.



South African banks' EPS prospects tainted by Eskom debt

South African banks' two-year cycle of consensus EPS upgrades, based on one-year forward estimates, could turn negative in 2H as economic conditions deteriorate and rate hikes end.



Long-term carbon offsets outlook 2023

A turbulent year hasn’t thrown off the long-term prospects for the carbon offset market, which could be valued at half a trillion dollars annually by 2050.
